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Honey is a carbohydrate compound made by bees. Most microorganisms do not grow in honey because of its osmotic pressure, and its local application has been examined for its effects on wound healing. Honey has been examined in patients with cancer for the management of mucositis as an oral rinse and for radiodermatitis as a dressing. Various formulations of medical and nonmedical grade honey have been used.


The alternative medical system of homeopathy was developed in Germany at the end of the 18th century. Supporters of homeopathy point to two unconventional theories: “like cures like”—the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people; and “law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Homeopathic remedies generally involve pills or elixirs containing an active ingredient, usually a plant or mineral substance.

High Flow Oxygen

High flow oxygen consists of a blend of air and oxygen that flows through a humidifier and a heated circuit and is subsequently delivered via nasal cannula. High flow oxygen has been tested as a possible intervention to treat dyspnea in hospitalized patients who have cancer.

High Dose Laser Therapy (HDLT)

High-dose laser therapy (HDLT) is a non-invasive use of laser energy that attempts to affect cells and physical symptoms often related to inflammation. HDLT is produced by Class IV lasers and uses a higher wavelength and energy power than low-level laser therapy. HDLT has been investigated in patients with cancer as a treatment for mucositis.

Herbal Medicine

An herb is a plant or part of a plant that people take for health benefits as dietary supplements or medication. Herbal medicine may also be referred to as phytotherapy or use of botanicals. Herbal medicine interventions include a variety of substances and combinations of substances. Herbal medicine is contraindicated with some chemotherapy agents. 

Henna Ointment

Henna is a plant derivative that has been used as a dye for hair and body art. Henna may have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and may facilitate wound healing. A topical combination of steroid and henna ointment has been tested for effects on radiodermatitis.

Health Care Provider Counseling

Healthcare provider counseling involves the provision of education, support, and consultative counseling to the healthcare provider in an attempt to indirectly influence patient outcomes. This type of intervention aims to determine if focused interventions with the healthcare provider can result in demonstrated improvement in the patient outcomes and symptoms that are being addressed through counseling providers.

Healing Touch

Healing touch is an energy-based therapeutic approach to healing (Poznanski-Hutchinson, 1999; Mentgen, 1996). Healing touch uses touch to influence the body’s energy system, thus affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing (Mentgen, 2001). The goal of healing touch is to restore balance in clients’ energy systems, thereby placing clients in a position to self-heal.

Mentgen, J. (1996). The clinical practice of healing touch. Imprint, 43, 33–36.


Haptotherapy is a type of complementary therapy that involves the use of touch to achieve mental relaxation, as well as interventions, such as talking and counseling, to assist individuals in getting in touch with their feelings. It is based on haptonomy, referred to as a science that combines thoughts, feelings, and words through a “psycho-tactile” contact.

Hangeshashinto (TJ-14)

Hangeshashinto, a traditional Japanese medicine, contains seven herbal crude drugs: pinelliae tuber, Scutellariae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix, Zizyphi fructus, Ginseng Radix, Zingiberis Processum Rhizoma, and Coptidis Rhizoma. It reduces prostaglandin E2 levels and affects cyclooxygenase activity. Hangeshashinto is used in Japan to treat gastritis, stomatitis, and inflammatory diarrhea and has been studied in patients with cancer as a treatment for chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis.

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