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Fat Graft

Fat tissue grafting has been done by injecting fat tissue that is obtained via liposuction. This procedure was examined in women with severe scare retraction and postmastectomy pain for its effect on pain.

Fan/Increasing Airflow

Increasing airflow and movement to the face has been suggested as an approach to relieve breathlessness. Use of a handheld fan for this purpose was evaluated for management of dyspnea.

Family-Focused Grief Therapy

Family-focused grief therapy is a model of care provision in which families are screened at the time of beginning palliative care services to identify those at risk for negative psychosocial outcomes as a result of relationships. The therapy intervention involves assisting families to use strengths and to cope (Kissane et al., 2006)

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a nonsurgical outpatient procedure that utilizes sound waves to treat soft tissue injuries. Typically, it is used to treat plantar fasciitis .

Extended Post-Operative Antibiotics

The provision of antibiotics for days after surgery, in addition to intraoperative administration of antibiotics, was examined in patients with cancer for effectiveness in the prevention of surgical site infection.

Extended and Sustained Release Opioids

Sustained-release and extended-release opioids, which make use of time-release formulation, take effect within a specific time. Sustained-release drugs remain in the bloodstream in a stable amount for a longer time than do immediate-release opioids. As a result, patients do not have to take sustained-release medications as often as immediate-release drugs. Sustained-release opioids have been evaluated in the context of chronic cancer-related pain, peripheral neuropathy, and for the relief of dyspnea.

Expressive Writing/Emotional Disclosure/Journaling

Expressive writing/journaling is the art of putting thoughts and feelings on paper. Writing about negative emotional experiences may improve physical and psychological health, and writing about deep feeling regarding personal stressors can enhance well-being and health.


Exercise is physical activity that involves repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more of the components of physical fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic fitness), muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Exercise interventions in patients with cancer have been provided as home-based, patient self-managed programs as well as supervised and unsupervised individual or group exercise sessions of varying duration and frequency.

Estrogen Replacement

Estrogens are a group of steroid compounds that are the primary female sex hormones.  Estrogen replacement therapy is the provision of estrogens and has been used to treat postmenopausal symptoms.  Estrogen replacement has been evaluated in patients with cancer for treatment of hot flashes.  It should be noted that this is the opposite effect of hormonal treatment for cancer in which anti-estrogen agents are administered.

Erythropoiesis Stimulating Factors (ESA)

Erythropoiesis-stimulating factors (ESAs) such as erythropoetin and its synthetic alternatives (darbopoetin, erythropoetin alpha) are essential hormones that control red blood cell production, and are mainly used in the treatment of anemia. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued several warnings related to the use of ESAs; related concerns included risk of increased tumor growth, decreased survival time and cardiovascular side effects. The effects of erythropoietin on fatigue and cognitive impairment have been examined in patients with cancer in the setting of anemia.

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