
Development and Implementation of a Hope Intervention Program

Kaye Herth

hope, cancer program development, outpatient

Purpose/Objectives: To describe the development and evaluation of the Hope Intervention Program (HIP), designed to enhance hope, based on the Hope Process Framework.

Design: Descriptive and evaluative.

Setting: Outpatient oncology clinics of two large hospitals.

Sample: Convenience sample of 38 adults with first recurrence of cancer.

Methods: Questionnaire completed at end of last HIP session, three months, six months, and nine months.

Main Research Variables: Helpfulness of the HIP components in maintaining hope. FINDINGS: Participants used intervention strategies that represented all four attributes of hope, with specific strategy use varying across time and individuals.

Conclusions: Data suggested that HIP positively affected the participants' rebuilding and maintenance of hope.

Implications for Nursing Practice: HIP has the potential to positively influence hope, and it supports the strategic vital role that nurses play in implementing research-based strategies designed to engender hope in their patients and prevent hopelessness.

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